Friday 21 March 2014

Masters of the Net. The Hidden Energy Science of Sacred Geometry and Cymatics

Your desire to understand creation is a path that takes you to higher vibrations and frequencies where there is only one language. That language is sacred geometry.

From building a house to planting a garden to baking a cake, geometry is the basic tool we use to manifest all that we create in our 3D world of experience. Without it, we can’t create.

When you draw a shape, it is just plain geometry, but when you open your heart to geometry, you create Sacred Geometry. Sacred Geometry transforms geometry from a physical building tool to a metaphysical building tool for creating everything in existence.


As you enter the world of Sacred Geometry, you begin to see the wonderfully patterned geometric beauty of Creation - the cornea of your eye, snow flakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals,
star fish, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the planet you spin around on, the star studded heavens, the air you breathe, the molecules of your DNA and all life forms emerge out of timeless geometric codes. If you take the time to look and think about these codes, you will be rewarded by gazing directly at the inner workings of the Cosmic Mind which you are a part of.

The ancients believed that the experience of Sacred Geometry was the path to educating the soul. They knew that patterns and codes were symbolic of each person’s inner realm. From the design of a cathedral to the face of a sunflower, sacred geometry is literally the architecture of the Universe and it is the first and purest language.
The Golden ratio (1.61803399) or “divine proportion” is a general pattern that all of creation naturally follows. YOU are sacred geometry. The sphere is a sacred geometric shape that represents the unity from which all physical forms are manifested. The almond shape is the shape of cell divisionwhen the human embryo divides into two cells. This duality creates the wave form out of which all things, including you, become manifest in this 3D space-time dimension.


What are the mathematical odds of you becoming manifest? About the same as picking every winning number in every super lottery draw. Your mother was born with 1 to 2 million eggs. Only one contained the unique genes that made Your father can lproduce trillions of sperm over his lifetime and 50 million sperm in one ejaculation. Only one sperm in one ejaculation could have produced you.


According to Biblical scripture, the universe was created from sound. It was created from a Word uttered by God. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. Since God is energy, not a person, the ‘Word” is energy. Like a song that is created in the mind of a composer before it is performed, the physical realm was created in the mind of Source energy before it became manifest.

Pythagoreans call the vibration of the Word – “the music of the spheres”. Pythagoras understood creation to be based on sound and music and he used geometry as a language to express it.


Sacred Geometry is a pathway to understanding who you are, where you are from and where you are going. It is the flexible geometric energy grid behind our third dimension, otherwise known as “the matrix of space-time”. That grid is the interface between what you see and don’t see, between the manifested and the un-manifested, between the finite and the infinite.

In ancient times, the Matrix of Creation was called the NET. It was shown as a squared grid just as it is shown today in modern physics books. In ancient Egypt, it was commonly illustrated as a physical net that caught birds or fish or humans inside of it. In cultures all over the world, spiritual knowledge of the NET was one of the highest levels of Temple Science and Spiritual Initiations. In India, it was called the "Jeweled Net of Indra". Student Initiates were taught how to activate the power potential or “spirit” within all geometric forms.

References to the NET are found in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Christ tells his disciples to cast their “nets” into the ocean for a miraculous catch of fish. On wall illustrations in Egyptian temples, initiates are seen casting their nets into the water to catch the "fish" of human souls in the net known as the geometric space-time energy matrix.


Egypt's initiates were called “The Masters of the Net”. The hieroglyphic texts explain that, after death, the uninitiated are destined to get "caught in the Net" of a higher spiritual realm where they are incapable of free movement. The masters of the net are able to move freely in the higher spiritual realms because they understands every part of the NET.

In chapter 153 of the Egyptian Book of the Dead (also known as the Book of Coming Forth into the Light), there is a long description of every part of the NET. Once Initiates master the NET, they merge in eternal resonance with Osiris, the God of the underworld.
Egyptian spiritual knowledge eventually shifted to the Jewish culture in Israel where the NET of creation became known as the "231 Gates". A book called the "Book of Creation" was written anonymously between the 3rd and 6th century A.D. and contained meditations based on the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

The Jewish Kabbalah’s 'Tree of Life' is the esoteric tradition behind the Bible and is clearly an astrological map of the solar system. The Kabbalah’s 22 paths represent the 10 planets and the 12 signs of the zodiac.
Neptune is the crown of the Tree of Life. Neptune is the Roman name for the Greek serpent God “Poseidon”. He is the Sumerian serpent God EN.KI (Lord of the Earth) and the God of the Illuminati royals and the bankster brotherhood of Freemasonry. Notice the the trident “crown of horns” of this serpent God and the satanic symbol of the upside down cross. The serpent god, Neptune, is also displayed larger than life on the back of Queen Elizabeth's kazillion dollar gold carriage. He is carrying the trident or devils' pitchfork.

The Kabbalah which is understood by few has recently been promoted as a multi-million dollar, celebrity-endorsed phenomenon. More and more people have been induced to wear the red string bracelets associated with it.


According to Galileo, “The universe cannot be read until we have learned the language and become familiar with the characters or letters in which it was written. It was written in mathematical language and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometric figures, without which it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word”.

As soon as you were old enough to walk and talk, you were dropped off in a regimented school room where you were taught how to count and spell…but your teacher never taught you the meaning of those numbers and letters that you were forced to memorize. Your school didn’t teach you that those memorized letters have a symbolic significance which corresponds to their shape and sound. Words are the basic tool that the ruling family’s use to manipulate reality. By controlling the meaning of words, they control the people who must use them.

The Hebrews and the Greeks embraced a system that gave every letter of the alphabet a specific number. The Greeks called this system 'Gematria'. The high priests used sacred numbers as a symbolic system for understanding the universe and for communicating with their Gods. They gave the name of their God a powerful vibration number which was emitted from the vibrated sound of the God’s name.

When the name of the Egyptian God “Amen” is spoken, it generates a powerful resonance and connection with him. “Amen” (also spelled Amun) is one of the most commonly used words in the entire world. Without realizing it, millions of Christians, Muslims and Jews repeat this word at the end of every prayer. By doing so, the vibrational energy of the God “Amen” is conjured up and overpowers the energy of the God that the worshipper intended to worship.

Letters in the English alphabet have a pictorial significance that can be traced back to the pagan ‘sun God’ religions of ancient Egypt. The capital letter “A” is a pyramid with a capstone. The capstone on the pyramid letter “A” is the “all seeing eye” of the sun God (son of God). It is found on the American one dollar bill. The “all seeing eye” is also prominently displayed on the AOL pyramid logo and the CBS logo.

The letter “C” symbolizes the moon Goddess Isis who wore the solar disc headdress in honor of her husband - the sun God Osiris.The letter “S” is the snake and symbol of Satan. It is also the symbol for money $, the symbol for the Nazi SS secret service and the symbol for the Israel's Tribe of Dan.

The letter “T” predates Christianity and symbolizes the Sumerian sun God Tammuz. The letter “U” is the horns of the bull (Baal) and symbolizes the Satanic Canaanite sun God Baal who is the equivalent of the Egyptian God Osiris and Amen Ra.

The letter “X” is the “double cross” and is the 24th letter in the alphabet. 2+4 = 6. The Olympic Games to be held in London in 2012 are the thirtieth Olympiad which is XXX (666). The “X” is also found on the EXXon logo and Yale University’s Skull & Bones logo. Presidents Bush Junior and Bush Senior were both Skull & Bones members. Both double crossed the citizens of the United States.
The letter “O” is the sun or solar disc and symbolizes the sun God Osiris. His rays are seen everywhere on illuminati corporate logos including the Shell, BP and NBC logos. The rays of Osiris are even found above the British Prime Minister’s residence at 10 Downing Street and on the CIA logo.

It is important to understand and be aware of the logos and symbolism designed by the ruling families so you can deflect its power. Symbols vibrate the energy of whatever they symbolize. How? By acting as ‘physical’ representations of thought forms and influencing the energy field around them.

Symbols also speak to the subconscious mind of the observer. They operate on many levels and have different interpretations – one for the initiated “insiders” and another for the uninitiated masses or “outsiders”.
Your “being” is surrounded by an energetic grid. Within that energy grid are the precise positions and functions for all of your spiritual energy centers including the chakras.

The ruling families are manipulating your energy through the geometrical-mathematical Matrix. They know that all things are linked back to creational Source energy through a myriad of grid energies. They also know that everything follows the same blueprint or geometric patterns which repeat over and over in an endless dance of sound, light and color. 

Corporate advertisers know the effect that their logos and symbols have on your subconscious mind. You are influenced by the mathematical proportions, ratios and background of these designs. Once you awaken to their meaning, you start to see common geometric designs, symbols and icons all around you from corporate logos to children’s TV programs to national flags, council logos, school emblems, sports logos, pub signs…and the list is endless. Many of these symbols have links to Masonic and royal symbolism with repeating themes. They are the same images, icons and themes that have been manipulating the human race for thousands of years. All are repackaged and handed back as ‘new and improved’.

The manipulation of the Matrix energy grid by the ruling families is on a much larger scale than anyone can imagine. Street plans of entire cities and regions have been designed with occult symbolism and precise mathematical grids. Among the many examples is the street plan around Capitol Hill in Washington which portrays the Congress building in the belly of an owl (symbol for the Satanic God Moloch and child sacrifice) sitting at the capstone of a pyramid.

Twelve street corners connect into the Sun circle at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Like a musician in a symphony orchestra, you have been reading illuminati sheet music, playing illuminati notes and taking your cues from illuminati conductors. The vibrations of the letters and words that you write and speak including your own name keep you trapped in the Matrix.

Now that you are aware of the MaTRICKS, you can deflect and disable disempowering symbols and create empowering new ones. 

Written by Robert J. Gilbert Ph.D.

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