Monday 28 January 2013

What is Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy Past & Future lives

Now is the time for the ancient wisdom to return, for humanity to take the power back into its own hands. Combining my knowledge of Alchemy and the Mystery Schools and following my higher guidance and life mission to return the ancient wisdom, the sacred science, back to the consciousness of humanity, I am offering Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy as a profound and powerful therapy which acts as a catalyst to accelerate the shift in consciousness. This therapy will be used to open the Hall of Records of YOU the Ancient One’s. 

What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy? 
A specialized technique of hypnosis developed by Dolores Cannon designed to contact and receive answers from “The Source of All Knowledge” this source exists in each and every individual and can be accessed for instant healings. Dolores technique is based on the concept that all illness or dis-ease starts first in the realm of (sub) consciousness eventually descending into the physical form, the body. Some dis-ease is of the mind, some of the physical, some emotional and some spiritual, but all is created in the realm of (sub) consciousness first. When we access the sub conscious we get the information, the answers to where? What? When? Why? We find the solutions to all our problems. This is possible because we have all the answers, we know how it was all created in the first place. We hold the key to the Hall of Records. Information is Healing.

How long does a therapy take? 
Approx. 2/3 hours 

What happens in a therapy? 
You will have a past life regression and receive a Life Review. You will receive answers to your questions and Healing where and when required. 

How will I benefit from a Therapy? 
Healing on all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Connection to Higher Self, shift in Consciousness. Increased ability in manifestation. Resolution to current life problems. 

How much does a session cost 
180 GBP Sterling

Do I need to bring anything with me? 
Yes you will need to bring your list of questions. These are the questions that will relate to your particular situation, these are your personal questions to which you want answers. Remember you are asking your own (sub) conscious these questions, it knows everything about you, EVERYTHING, past, present and future, it can answer any question that you have, so think carefully about your questions. They can be about anything, mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. I ask that you keep your list to no more then ten questions. 

How will I remember everything that happens in my therapy? 
Your therapy session will be recorded so that you have it for reference. I will give it to you on CD or send it by email, so that you can listen to it over and over again. Each time you listen you will find that you learn more and more about yourself. 

Will I be ok to go back to my normal life after a therapy? 
Yes you can go back to your normal activities after your therapy but it is advised that if at all possible you allow yourself as much free time after your therapy as you can afford. You will need time to integrate and meditate on what you have discovered. Be kind to yourself, give yourself the day off. 

Opening the Halls of Amenti, The Hall of Records. Contacting the Source of All Knowledge. 

“Under, and back of, the Universe of Time, Space and Change, is ever to be found The Substantial Reality, the Fundamental Truth.”–The Kybalion 

Quantum Physics 

According to the observer effect… a term used in physics which refers to changes that the act of observation will make on the phenomenon being observed… the Universe in order to exist, requires a conscious sentient being to be aware of it. Without an observer, it only exists as a possibility; Consciousness not Matter is the basis of All Being. The discoveries of quantum physics shows how Consciousness Creates the Material World and that everything is connected through a universal field of virtual particles. We are all part of a single living system. Consciousness, once thought to be only the product of brain chemistry, is now viewed as the eternal driving force for all that exists, and through physical form, manifests itself in order to experience. 

“Knowledge exists in two forms - lifeless, stored in books, and alive, in the consciousness of men. The second form of existence is after all the essential one; the first, indispensable as it may be, occupies only an inferior position.” ―Albert Einstein

“THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.”– The Kybalion 

Ancient Sacred Science, Alchemy & Hermetic (Thoth) Philosophy of the Mystery Schools 

The first great Hermetic Principal is THE PRINCIPLE OF MENTALISM, This Principle embodies the truth that “All is Mind.” It explains that THE ALL which we know under the terms of “The Material Universe”; the “Phenomena of Life”; “Matter”; “Energy”; and in short, all that is apparent to our material senses is SPIRIT, A UNIVERSAL, INFINITE, LIVING MIND. It also explains that all the phenomenal world or universe is simply a Mental Creation of THE ALL, subject to the Laws of Created Things, and that the universe, as a whole, and in its parts or units, has its existence in the Mind of THE ALL, in which Mind we “live and move and have our being.” This Principle explains the true nature of “Energy,” “Power,” and “Matter,” and why and how all these are subordinate to the Mastery of Mind. One of the old Hermetic Masters wrote, long ages ago: “He who grasps the truth of the Mental Nature of the Universe is well advanced on The Path to Mastery.” And these words are as true to-day as at the time they were first written. Without this Master-Key, Mastery is impossible, and the student knocks in vain at the many doors of The Temple. The Kybalion. 

“THE ALL creates in its Infinite Mind countless Universes, which exist for aeons of Time–and yet, to THE ALL, the creation, development, decline and death of a million Universes is as the time of the twinkling of an eye.”–The

“The Infinite Mind -of THE ALL is the womb of Universes.”–The Kybalion. 

The Human Being is created in the image and likeness of the Creator, The All, and can be compared to a Pyramid, the physical portion of the pyramid being above the surface and visible to the eye, with the Hall of Records below concealed from the human senses. In the Hall of Records lies the Source of All Knowledge, and the Star Gate to the infinite All. As Above, so Below, As Within so Without. This is an expression of the Trinity, the three in One, the Microcosm (below / sub-conscious), the Mesocosm (within, without / conscious) and the Macrocosm (above / super-conscious). The ancient Sacred Science of the Mystery School’s, Alchemy, taught the student how to access the Hall of Records and to open the Star Gate to The Infinite All, the Source of All knowledge, the Creator Within, this was the goal of every student. The relationship of the Creator to the Human Being is that of the relationship of the Seed to the Flower, one within the other creating the Whole. This was the most profound wisdom of the Mystery Schools.

“The outward doth from the inward roll, and the inward dwells in the inmost soul”- Thomas Burgoyne Light of Egypt.

According to all the information that has been handed down to us from the ancient civilizations of the world, a time would come again when this ancient Sacred Science would return to the consciousness of humanity. That time is Now, WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!! The Akashic Records, the Hall of Records, the Book of Thoth all refer to the infinite eternal knowledge of the Creator’s Blueprint, the Blueprint according to which the entire physical Universe became manifest. The human being is a Universe in Miniature containing all the skills, abilities, attributes and creative power of the Creator, As Above, So Below. When we open the Hall of Records, the Sub-conscious mind, we gain access to the Infinite, Ageless Wisdom contained therein. The answers to every question, the records of every life time we have ever lived and everything that has ever happened to us are contained there and can be accessed. As a consequence of remembering our many lives, we remember our Immortal Soul. We remember that THERE IS NO DEATH and that we are Eternal Creative Consciousness. We are the Creators of Universes, we Remember who we are. We open the Gate Way that exists between the Two Lands of Sub-conscious and Conscious mind.

“Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmuted, from state to state; degree to degree; condition to condition; pole to pole; vibration to vibration. True Hermetic Transmutation is a Mental Art.”–The Kybalion 

This Unification of Sub-Conscious and Conscious mind, creates the Child, the Super-Conscious, the Higher Self, born anew with the knowledge of its Eternal Creative Consciousness. In the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy we access the Sub-Conscious, we open the gate that exists between the two, Sub-Conscious and Conscious mind, this act of mental transmutation is the catalyst which opens the Star Gate to Higher Self, Super Consciousness. This establishes a communication between Lower and Higher Self which will continue to grow and guide the individual from within. Having experienced past lives in the Quantum Healing Therapy you will then truly know that you are ETERNAL 

And Death is not real, even in the Relative sense–it is but Birth to a new life–and You
shall go on, and on, and on, to higher and still higher planes of life, for aeons upon aeons of time. The Universe is your home, and you shall explore its farthest recesses before the end of Time. You are dwelling in the Infinite Mind of THE ALL, and your possibilities and 
Opportunities are infinite, both in time and space. And at the end of the Grand Cycle of 
Aeons, when THE ALL shall draw back into itself all of its creations–you will go gladly, for you will then be able to know the Whole Truth of being At One with THE ALL. Such is the report of the Illumined–those who have advanced well along The Path.   And, in the meantime, rest calm and, serene–you are safe and protected by the Infinite Power of the FATHER-MOTHER MIND.

 “Within the Father-Mother Mind, mortal children are at home.” 

“There is not one who is Fatherless, nor Motherless in the Universe”–The Kybalion 

The information below is from the website of Dolores Cannon to see list of practitioners scroll down to end of page to see search option. Antoinette Glynn is a listed QHHT practitioner working in both in Egypt and Ireland. 

What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy? 
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy is a technique of hypnosis created by Dolores Cannon which she has developed and refined over her 45 year career as a regressive hypnotherapist, working with thousands of clients in countries all over the world.  The technique involves inducing an individual to the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualization, a state which under ordinary circumstances is experienced only twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you drift off and fall asleep. In the Somnambulistic state of trance any individual can gain access to experiences from other lives they have lived. It was also exploring with clients in this state that she discovered an infinitely knowledgeable and powerful aspect of each individual which can be contact and communicated with. This part of ourselves, as Dolores has learned, is always present with us and exists just below the surface of our conscious mind, so she appropriately chose to label it The Subconscious. The Subconscious is what gives her and practitioners of her QHHT technique access to past lives and performs instantaneous healings when appropriate. Over her 45 year career, her technique has proven to be effective on thousands of people all over the world regardless of their Age, Gender, Personality, Physical Symptoms, Religious Beliefs or Cultural Backgrounds. Supplementing the vast body of work Dolores has produced, the results experienced by QHHT Practitioners, students of Dolores who have learned her technique and practice it with their own clients, conclusively support the finding that we have all lived multiple Past Lives and we all have a Subconscious which contains the answers to any question we may have about ourselves or the life we are living. 

What is The Subconscious? Dolores' Definition 
The Subconscious that is contacted by Dolores and the practitioners of her QHHT technique is the polar opposite to the subconscious referred to by psychologists and conventional medical professionals. During her early years as a hypnotherapist, Dolores became aware that through her unique technique of induction she was contacting and communicating with a portion of an individual’s consciousness that was indeed a part of them, yet lay far above the level of their conscious mind, which is the part of ourselves we are aware of and use to interact with others on a personal level.  The Subconscious is a suitable label given the context of Dolores’ work; however, religions and spiritual teachers alike have attempted to identify and label this larger part of ourselves throughout history using a variety of different labels: the Higher Self, the Oversoul, Christ Consciousness, Higher Consciousness, the Universal Mind and Oneness. 

What is Past Life Regression? 
Past Life Regression is the first component of QHHT technique and involves the individual being regressed and guided through a past life from the first scene they first view, throughout the various periods of the life and eventually through to the death scene.  The Subconscious will select what past life to show the individual which they will be guided through by QHHT practitioner who will conduct your session. The past life the Subconscious chooses to show an individual is always relevant to the current life the individual is living now and it is not uncommon for multiple Past Lives to be shown during a single session. The individual will be brought through a Past Life using a series of questions to help determine the time period and social setting of the life. 

Characteristics of the Subconscious 
When the Subconscious is contacted and comes through in a session, a series of fascinating changes occur, both in the individual hypnotised and the surrounding environment, once communication is established and the Subconscious is present. The first observable change is a dramatic rise in the level of energy in the room, with those present often describing feelings of euphoria and intense excitement. Without exception, a feeling of both immense power and immense love is experienced by all in attendance.

Working with the Subconscious 
The Subconscious knows everything there is to know about an individual and the life they are living now, so one of the first actions taken by the QHHT Practitioner is to ask the Subconscious the questions an individual has about their own life. Obtaining this information on behalf of the individual is crucial to the healing aspect of the technique as it provides them with comfort, support and greater understanding in many different areas of their life. The Subconscious will only choose to share information that is appropriate to share at the time and information that will only be of benefit to the individual.  The explanation the Subconscious gives for why we experience disease will most certainly challenge the belief systems of many people in our current medical and scientific paradigms. As we move through this time of great change and transition, many people are indeed stretching their belief systems to incorporate new ideas and concepts by seeking out alternative information that mainstream science has either dispelled or ignored through its authoritarian bigotry. Many long held paradigms of accepted thought are beginning to crumble and are slowly being replaced by concepts and ideas that can no longer be suppressed as a result of the Internet and instantaneous communication all over the world. 

The Subconscious has the ability to identify and convey any physical problem it detects within the body and explain the causes for its presence, be it from the current life or a past life. Once a body scan is complete, The Subconscious is then asked if it is suitable for healing to occur, which, if it is, is done instantaneously with no medication, surgery or pain involved. Very often, simply understanding why a disease is present or why a particular emotion is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed by the Subconscious.  Over the course of her career, Dolores has conducted sessions with clients where the physical healing that occurs has been challenging for even her to comprehend. She has been teaching her technique to students all over the world for almost a decade and many write back detailing miraculous accounts of a similar nature.  Before detailing this list of what is possible in terms of healing, it must be stated that healing can only occur if an individual wants to be healed and if it does not interfere with the goals of their lifetime. We are infinite souls who have incarnated on Earth for our own individual experiences, the Subconscious of a blind person would not heal his sight if being blind was one of the key aspects of his life he agreed to experience. Nor would it heal a physical problem someone had created through the lack of care for their body if they had not yet learned the lesson to love and respect their body. It is very literal in its thinking. Are you beginning to understand the logic? 

Here are some of the results Dolores and her QHHT Practitioners alike have experience with clients during a session: 

- Cancer of all types at various stages being cured

- Cartilage being reconstructed between joints

- AIDS being cured and eradicated from the body

- Heart conditions being healed, afterwards surgery is no longer required

- Deteriorated livers being regenerated and restored to full function

- Damaged kidneys being regenerated and restored to full function

- Open flesh wounds being regenerated with no scarring

- Migraines being explained and their root causes removed

- 20/20 vision being restored where people no longer need corrective vision

- Diabetes being cured and the causes for it explained

- Intestinal problems being cured

- Lower and middle back problems being cured

- Neck and shoulder pains being removed

- Lung associated problems being cured

...and much more!
Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own imagination.-

Saturday 26 January 2013

What are the Mystery Schools

The name Mystery School is in itself a term which displays a hidden meaning. This is not unusual as all the teachings of the Mystery Schools were built up of layer upon layer of symbolism and occult (the term occult meaning Hidden) secrets. The Mystery Schools are a timeless, ageless, omni dimensional philosophical teaching, a scientific study of the Mind. The Hermetic Axiom “The All is in All and All is in The All” or “God is in All and All is in God” describes the basis of the Mystery School teachings that the Universe is Mental in nature, all is Mind and all is created through the Power of Thought (Thoth). The teachings were handed down throughout the ages and civilizations through oral tradition from Master to Initiate very little of the teachings were ever written down. The information was left encoded in symbolic representations, Sacred Geometric design of Temples, Pyramids and Sacred Sites, myth and mythology, this knowledge reflected in the building of the Ancient and Sacred Sites made them perfect places for learning, initiation and astronomical observation. The teachings of the Mystery Schools are a scientific study into the Laws and Principals of the Universal Mind.

The Universal Mind is also known as God or Spirit, and we, as human beings, are a holographic image of that Universal Mind, the microcosm and the macrocosm, “As Above, So Below, As Below, So Above” As the seed is the tree enfolded, so is the universe God/Spirit unfolded. The Mystery Schools teach of the Transmutation of the consciousness of mortal man to his natural enlightened immortal self. The Mystery School teachings are a navigational tool for all souls throughout all space and time to find their way Home. The ancient Alchemists who were also students of the Mystery Schools, studied this Transmutation of one form to another and displayed this principal through their experiments of turning lead into gold. That was only an outward display, another form of symbolic representation, the true meaning behind the experiments of the Alchemists was the Transmutation of Consciousness from unenlightened to enlightened Man (Ascension). Much of the ancient information of the Mystery Schools are now being confirmed by recent scientific finding, especially in the field of Quantum Physics.

The Pantheon of Gods, which included Thoth, Isis, Osiris, Ptah, Ra, Su, Geb, Set were said to have come to Egypt in Zep Tepi or The First Time.  Thoth was known as the God of Wisdom, Magic, Alchemy and The Arts in Ancient Egypt and was also known as Hermes Trismegistus “Hermes the Thrice Great” The Winged Messenger of the Gods, in Ancient Greece. It is said of Thoth that he brought humanity into manifestation through “Language and Maths” The time before Zep Tepi is know in mythology as Atlantis and before that Lemuria, the time before the Great Flood. This is where the Gods of Egypt are said to have come from. Creationist stories encoded in myth and mythology from all over the Ancient World speak of the Great Flood and the Gods that arrived after to teach the Wisdom of the Ages to humanity. Its is said that these Gods move from reality to reality creating the programs for souls to experience. The term Zep, Zipper refers to a closing and opening, a gateway, worm holes in time and space, zero point, the ending of one and beginning of another, a Golden Age It is said that the Gods moved through this Zero Point, Zep Tepi where matter and anti matter merge, and there they create New Realities In our measurement of time Zep Tepi refers to a time about 13,000 years ago approx. 10,500B.C The Ancient Scientists/Priests of the Mystery Schools were measuring an astronomical cycle know to us today as the Precession of the Equinoxes or The Great Year. The term Zep Tepi and the time frame of 13,000 years measures half a processional cycle, a full cycle being 26,000 years approx.. The Ancient Scientist/Astrologer/Priests of the Mystery Schools measured the rise and fall of the Consciousness of humanity against the backdrop of this processional cycle. The Giza Plateau with its Sphinx and Pyramids serves as a huge astronomical observatory to measure the 26,000 year long processional cycle. All the ancient stone structures were used as astronomical observatories and symbolic representations of the raising of consciousness up through the creative spiral of soul evolution. 

The Ancient Mystery School Priests considered the Nile to be a terrestrial representation of the celestial Milky Way, they also compared the Nile to the Spine or Backbone of the Human body. Having full knowledge of the Chakra system of the body, they built their temples along the Nile, stretching from Aswan to Saquara as representations of the Chakras of the body running up along the Spine from base to crown. The Mystery School Initiates raised their consciousness from their base Chakra, studying and being initiated in the corresponding temples along the Nile. The Chakras are gateways that open up our energy flow with The Cosmos and our Body of Light. Each Chakra has energies that relate to our growth, these energies can be expressed either negatively or positively, shut down from trauma or open due to peace and tranquility. The journey of the Mystery School Initiate is the journey of moving beyond the illusion of density and becoming the Whole. As the Initiate moves through and activates the Chakras, the Chakra spins and becomes a radiant ball of light which allows the Kundalini to flow through us fully, so we are fully in our life energy, unlimited, our Body of Light and being the Creators that we are. In this way the Initiate raised their Consciousness through the various Chakras and Kundalini energy flowed and connected base to crown, from unenlightened to enlightened, from mortal to immortal. The Mystery Schools are a body of teaching revealing the Secrets of the Universe and the Self and when properly understood leads us to ever increasing Freedom and Joy, expansion of Awareness and the knowledge of our 
Immortal, Omni dimensional, Eternal Cosmic Self.

The Ancient Pyramid and Temple builders erected their structures across not only Egypt but the whole Planet, these Ancient Structures can be seen to reflect Star Constellations on the ground. The three Pyramids at Giza reflect the three stars in Orion's Belt and the Orion Stars orientation to the Milky Way was as to the three Pyramids orientation to the Nile but only having a perfect match in the time frame dating 13,000 years ago approx. 10,500 B.C or Zep Tepi. There exists an ancient body of writing found in the Egyptian city of Alexandria in the early Christian era in which it talks about the Sky/Ground connection linked in numerous ways to the issue of the resurrection and immortality of the soul (see Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval-The Message of the Sphinx) These writings the “HermeticTexts” were believed to have been the work of the ancient Egyptian wisdom God know as Thoth, who in one passage makes the following remarks to his disciple Asclepius “Do you not know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of Heaven? In Egypt all the operations of the powers which rule and work in Heaven have been transferred down to Earth below?” In the Hermetic view, the purpose of harnessing these Powers was to facilitate the Initiates quest for Immortality.

Man. A time to manifest and realize our Heaven on Earth All souls are called for Initiation

The Unification of the Two Lands Egypt & Ireland. Opening the Star Gate Portal

Hapi the twin neteru uniting the two lands or tying the knot

Deep in Earth's heart lie the Halls of Amenti, far 'neath the islands of sunken Atlantis. Halls of the Dead and halls of the living, bathed in the fire of the infinite ALL. Far in a past time, lost in the space time, the Children of Light looked down on the world. Seeing the children of men in their bondage, bound by the force that came from beyond. Knew they that only by freedom from bondage could man ever rise from the Earth to the Sun. Down they descended and created bodies, taking the semblance of men as their own. The Masters of everything said after their forming: "We are they who were formed from the space-dust, partaking of life from the infinite ALL; living in the world as children of men, like and yet unlike the children of men."

The ancient Egyptians made no distinction between a metaphysical and physical state of being, any distinction, to them, would have been pure illusion. We exist as a hierarchy of energies, energies which experience different orders of densities, which vibrate and rotate at different speeds and angles. Since Einstein’s Relativity Theory it has been accepted that matter IS energy, with its molecules rotating and vibrating at a very slow and constant rate of speed. This is why things appear solid to our earthly senses, the slower the vibration the more dense and solid the object will be. In the Spirit world the molecules vibrate at a much higher rate and are not solid or dense. So, our universe exists as a hierarchy of energies from the slowest and most dense which is matter, to the fastest and most subtle which is Spirit, in between these two are an infinite range of vibrations.

The Neteru

In ancient Egypt these hierarchical energies were called Neter (translated by Egyptologists to mean creator gods) the Neteru (plural of neter) while existing in various different states and densities were, at their highest rate of vibration, ultimately ALL ONE. Theses energies/neteru exist as an interrelated, fractal holographic system in which each level is sustained by the level below it and are a mirror image of each other on larger and smaller scales, AS Above So Below. These universal energies/neteru in their pre creation state were pure potential energy. The ONE cosmic and creative force through whose actions and interactions created, maintained and continue to create and maintain the universe. In the Litany of Ra it describes Ra as “The One joined together who comes out of its own members” the different aspects or members of Ra are known as the neteru, Ra is unity, the coming together of all the different energies/neteru into ONE, “The One who is the All”

The Three eye of the Mystery Schools

The Eye of Ra and the Eye of Thoth were the two aspects of the Mystery Schools, one male and one female. Ra was the Heart whose symbol was the sun and was the male aspect, Thoth was the Tongue whose symbol was the moon and was the female aspect. It is through the fusion of these two that the divine child Horus, the Third Eye is born. In these teachings were encoded the most profound mysteries and secrets regarding the creation of humanity and the universe in which we exist. In the Book of Coming Forth by Light (called by Egyptologists the book of the dead) it states that nothing existed except the ONE who created the universe with his/her voice “I am the Eternal…I am that which created the Word….I am the Word” Scientists agree that the creation of the universe was kick started by sound which is reflected in their theory of the Big Bang. The ancient Egyptians also agreed that sound, the word, was the catalyst for creation. It was the words of Ra as spoken and revealed by Thoth that became the physical manifest universe. The Word is a sound wave frequency which has its own corresponding geometrical forms, shapes and densities.

The universe is musical, harmonic, Uni meaning one, ONE VERSE,UNIVERSE

For the ancient Egyptians man was a miniature universe, just like the universe, man is a unity that consists of different parts joined together. Man, who is made in the image of the Creator, therefore is also “The One joined together who comes out of its own members”. If man is the universe in miniature, then all the skills, forces, powers, attributes and abilities existing in the universe and in the Creator also exist in man. The “Principle of Correspondence”, is one of the 7 Principles of Hermetic Philosophy, (Hermes was another name for Thoth), which states AS Above, So Below, this principal describes how everything exists as an image of everything else on smaller and larger scales. In the Litany of Ra each body part of the divine man is associated with a neter and as such, every action performed by man effects the entire universe just as every action performed by an individual part of the human body effects the entire body.

The heading of the Ancient Egyptian papyrus known as the Rhind (Mathematical) papyrus states: “Rules for enquiring into nature and for knowing all that exists, every mystery, every secret”, the ancient Egyptians understood that numbers and their interactions, called by us mathematics, was the basis for ALL THAT EXISTS. For the ancient Egyptians the whole universe was animated, meaning that it was energized by life forces, this concept is reflected scientifically with the kinetic theory where each particle of any matter is in constant motion, energized by life forces. In the animated world of ancient Egypt, numbers were not just dead units of calculation they were also used to symbolically describe the processes of creation. They were considered to be representative of the neteru (gods) who were the different aspects of the ONE creative cosmic energy known as Ra and as such were both male and female.

Squaring the circle and the ratio 8:9 represents the perfect tone

Sacred Geometry was also part of the profound cosmic wisdom taught in the mystery schools, geometry, like numbers had male and female shapes. Curved lines, circles and spirals were all considered to be female whereas straight lines and angles were considered male. Circles were female, squares were male.

The ancient Egyptian pharaoh was always known as the Lord of the Two Lands, the Two Lands are commonly referred to by Egyptologists as the two lands of Upper and Lower Egypt. As with all the ancient mystery school knowledge, there is layer upon layer of deeper and more profound information depending upon your own level of understanding. Throughout the temples of ancient Egypt you will see representations of the symbolic ceremony of the Unification of the Two Lands also known as Tying the Knot. This unification is represented by the twin neteru named Hapi who were a mirror image of each other, and who are tying the lotus and papyrus plants together, the lotus and papyrus were said to represent upper and lower Egypt. According to the ancient Egyptians there are 9 realms or levels of existence made up of 7 heavens and two earths, the two earths were also known as the two lands, the Creator exists in the most distant heaven. It is said that when Khnum the ram headed neter (god) fashioned the first humans on his potter’s wheel he did so by creating them in pairs, one male and one female. These twins are said to separate at birth and only come together again at death, at which time they once again become ONE. We exist here in the first Land or 8th realm but our equal and opposite twin exists in the second Land or 9th realm. The coming together of these two equal and opposites was known as the Alchemical or Sacred Wedding also as Tying the Knot or the Unification of the Two Lands. It is said that these two twins that live in earths 8 and 9 are in perfect harmony with each other, in musical terms the ratio 8:9 represents the perfect tone.

Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man also known as the Proportions of Man

One of the titles of the god known as Thoth was the Master of the City of Eight, the number of Thoth was 8. Among other things the number 9 represents the Grand Ennead, the 9 creator gods (neter) known as Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys. The 9 creator gods were all aspects of Ra whose symbol was a circle with a dot in the center. 

RA “The One who is the All”

Remember that it was the sound energies (word) of Thoth that transformed the creative impulse of Ra into a physical and metaphysical reality and it is this transformation that was reflected in the process of squaring the circle and circling the square. The so called mathematical papyri of ancient Egypt shows that the diameter of a circle was always represented as 9 cubits and the square represented with the sides of 8 cubits, resulting in the ratio of 8:9, the perfect harmonic tone. It is in Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man also known as the Proportions of Man that we see how it is that the Human being him/herself solves the riddle of squaring the circle and circling the square. The internal alchemical process of uniting the two lands, male and female, spirit and matter, conscious and sub conscious, higher self and lower self, results in the birth of the Divine Child, the Third Eye Is activated and the star gate of super consciousness is opened.

The first Pharaoh of Egypt was known by many names such as Menes, Mina, Narmer etc., and lived approx. 3ooob.c. , it was this Pharaoh Menes that the ancient Egyptian texts say united the two lands of upper and lower Egypt. Hieroglyphic text inscribed on the Great Ebony Label found in 1901 by Sir Flinders Petrie in the "tomb" (cenotaph) of King Menes at Abydos (Petrie, 1902), describes how King Menes had embarked on a voyage of exploration with his fleet "to the Sunset Land in the Western Ocean": (Urani Land)"King Menes, the Ruler of Mizraim [Egypt], the Land of the Two Crowns, the perished dead one in the West of the Horus race . . . The Commander-in-Chief of Ships made the complete course to the end of the Sunset Land. Sailing in ships, he completed the inspection of the Western Land. He built there a holding in Urani Land. At the Lake of the Peak, fate pierced him by a Hornet (Kheb, or Wasp) . . . This drilled tablet set up of hanging wood is dedicated to his memory." (see my other website Atlantis Ireland

The ancient eastern and western borders of Egypt were separated by exactly 1° 09’ separation. Coincidentally the same as the distance between the Paris and Greenwich meridians The distance from Khufu's Great Pyramid to Tara Hill is one-tenth of the planetary circumference (36.00°), while the distance from Avebury to Tara Hill is one-hundredth of the planetary circumference.

Notice that one of the names given in the inscription for the Western Land is Urani, which is associated with Erin, the old name for Ireland. In light of the fact that the "tomb" at Abydos did not contain the mummy of King Menes, then we must look to Ireland Urani Land for the burial place of, "the perished dead one in the West”. The final resting place of Menes was discovered by Professor Waddell at Knock many in County Tyrone. - (Makers of Civilization in Race and History) Written tradition such as the text on the walls of the Temple of Edfu in Egypt, speak of sages and creator gods who came to Egypt in Zep Tepi or the First Time. These divine beings or sages who came from "the Homeland of the Primeval Ones," (Urani Land, Ireland) are said to be the founders of the very first prehistoric Egyptian civilization. It is said that they re-established the sacred mounds at very carefully chosen locations along the river Nile, after which they embarked upon a temple building programme in order to re-establish their homeland after a catastrophic flood. The Shemsu Hor or Disciples of Horus, were a race of enlighteners who dwelt on ten pre-diluvian islands. One of their magi (Druid) was the god Thoth. A catastrophe occurred in the distant country of the gods to the west, but Thoth led them across the sea to an eastern country (Egypt). Thus it appears that Thoth was once the ruler of an Island Kingdom beyond the western horizon before the Egyptian priests turned him into a god. Nu, the Egyptian god of the Primeval Sea, is represented on the marble sarcophagus of Seti I as being up to his waist in water with arms upraised to carry the Solar Boat across the Sky. The boat, with its ten royal occupants, is being carried above the flood waters engulfing their mountainous island home in the West. It would appear that this scene depicts the final migration from the Lands of the West, Urani Land (Ireland) to Egypt because of the sudden loss of Atlantis. 

Nu carries the Solar Boat across the sky from Urani Land to Egypt

In the Emerald Tablets of Thoth it says, “Great were my people in the ancient days, great beyond the conception of the little people now around me; knowing the wisdom of old, seeking far within the heart of infinity’s knowledge that belonged to Earth's youth. Wise were we with the wisdom of the Children of Light who dwelt among us. Strong were we with the power drawn from the eternal fire. And of all these, greatest among the children of men was my father, Thoth, keeper of the great temple, link between the Children of Light who dwelt within the temple and the races of men who inhabited the ten islands “ It is said that Thoth was born in a distant country to the west which was across a body of water. In Chapter LXXXV of the Book of Coming forth by Light (Papyrus of Nu), Thoth rules the "Western Domain," and by the end of the New Kingdom he is called "Lord of the West" (Seth, 1912). He is said to be the inventor of writing, astronomy, mathematics and civilization in general (Budge, 1960). Thoth is often called the Scribe.

Thoth Master of the City of Eight

The Children of Light (the druids) were also known as the Children of the Circle, they were the builders of stone circles and sacred mounds such as Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth and the many stone circles of Ireland and Britain. When this highly advanced race arrived in Egypt they began to build Temples and Pyramids along the river Nile. When we examine the geometry of these sacred sites we notice that in Ireland and Britain we see circles and mounds, in Egypt we see square, rectangle and pyramid shapes, the female geometric structures being left in Ireland and Britain and the male geometric structures in Egypt. The planet Earth, like the human being has an energy body and that body has vortex energy centers called Chakras, As Above, So Below. The heart chakra of the earth is Ireland and Britain and the throat chakra is Egypt. According to the processes of the Alchemical Wedding when we unite the two lands of Ireland and Egypt we are uniting the Heart and Throat/Tongue of Planet Earth, the two eyes of the mystery schools coming together, the right eye of Ra the heart and the left eye of Thoth the tongue/throat. With this perfect fusion we will open, once again, the energetic portals that connect the ancient power sites in Ireland with the sites in Egypt, in particular Tara the seat of the magical tuatha de dannan and the Great Pyramid of Egypt. The fusion of the two lands of the conscious and the sub conscious, the return of the goddess, the feminine, the intituative, creative, the telepathic, a return to the land of the immortals. The opening of the Hall of Records , the star gate portal that is the Third Eye.

Atlantis Ireland rising….