Saturday 8 June 2013

The Secret of the Sacred Flower the Druids of Egypt & Eire

Stepping through the Star Gate Portal into 5D Earth.
The Earth Energy Grid & the Flower of Life


Flower of Life Course 

Friday 9th to Sunday 11th August 2013

Course Fee: €250

Course Venue: 

The Pyramid Holistic Centre Donegal

To stay at the beautiful Center the cost is as follows:

€40euro per night b&b per person
 €30 for lunch & dinner per person

There is transportation available to take you to the Pyramid Holistic Centre


Please bring pens, pencils, eraser, ruler, compass for drawing circles,
blank paper for drawing and note book for taking notes.

For bookings & information please contact

Antoinette at

Understanding the Blueprint for 3D Creation, learning to manipulate energy and shifting into 5d earth.   If you don’t like your world then change it, you have the power, YOUR world and THE world are different things, you can change your future, the power of the individual & group mind.  Releasing yourself from the wheel of incarnation and karma, forgiveness sets you free to move with the shifting energies into higher frequencies.  The Soul is Sexless, neither male nor female, this is the balance that must be achieved and understood for the Third Eye, your personal Star Gate to open to the higher dimensions.  Soul evolution requires that you release your karma, but first you must understand how to do this, you have incarnated many times as both male and female, to understand balance.  This point of balance is the zero point, zep tepi, the nexus point where all timelines converge and you can choose your future.  Connecting to the Higher Self where all the records are stored, all the in-formation required to move faster than the speed of light, beyond the physical and into the light body that you really are. 

 Enter the Star Gate.

The Egyptian hieroglyph for the Star Sirius containing a mound (e.g. Newgrange Eire), a pyramid (e.g. Great Pyramid Egypt) and a five pointed star which, among many things, represents a human being.

The Egyptian civilization was a legacy handed down by a highly evolved consciousness, the replanting of Atlantis Eire, the Followers of Horus, brought the Seeds of Wisdom to Egypt and encoded it in their Sacred Structures.  The Flower of Life and Light was placed beneath the Mound of Creation at the center of the Earth upon which the star gate known as the Great Pyramid, Noah’s Ark, was placed.  On 30th September 2012 the star gate higher dimensional portals for 5D Earth which exist between the Shee Mound of Tara Ireland & the Great Pyramid of Egypt was re-anchored and re-opened.  An Octahedron of sacred light was raised, removing all negative energy codes, seals and blocks from the sacred land of the Hill of Tara, the seat of the ancient Druid Maji, the teachers and healers of the ancient world.  The Words of Power from the Book of Coming Forth by Light were pronounced at Tara for the first time in thousands of years.  


As the dark ages were forced upon us and the knowledge of the unity of these two great lands was lost, the star gate information portals were shut down using energy codes and blocks.  The once great consciousness became divided against itself and separated to the degree that it lost the knowledge of its own divinity and, as a result, physical mortal, finite human consciousness was born.   Alone, lost, fearful, separated, divided, controlled and manipulated, they lived and died, a shadow of their former self.  Sleep walking while the storm raged all around, helpless to overcome the darkness and the misuse of power which had led to their downfall.  Their language confused, their people separated and scattered in opposite directions until it all became just Babel.


30th September 2012 The Unification of the Two Lands, opening the Star Gate portals between Egypt and Ireland-Eire to anchor the new consciousness of 5D Earth.  The work continues.          

On 30th September 2012 a group of re-membered souls gathered for the Unification of the Two lands Ireland-Eire & Egypt.  The star gate portal was once again opened connecting the Great Central Sun with the center of our galaxy and with our earth, awakening the ancient land of Eire and all her beautiful souls, uniting Spirit and Matter.  A quantum leap takes place as we step through the gateway moving us once again into Universal & Galactic conscious awareness, coming full circle.   We ascend to descend and descend to ascend, alchemy, the sacred science of enlightenment and immortality is what happens in between these two phases.   Our golden octahedron spins faster than the speed of light, weaving a crystalline consciousness network, allowing the in-formation to flow from above and below, sub-conscious to conscious.  The memory of Atlantis Ireland-Eire has been re-activated and a unity consciousness is being born, the in-formation will come flooding back, just as it was washed away in the flood so shall it return in a flood of super consciousness.  Wake up now & re-member who you are, you are the Masters of Wisdom, the Record Keepers.  Time as we know it is coming to an end, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, keeps us moving in circles.   Infinite, eternal, ageless, timeless, forever, without beginning or end, moves us into ever increasing and expanding cycles and both states exist in the mind and heart.


The Druid Maji of Ancient Eire & Egypt.   Akhenaten, Nefertiti & their children Tutankamon & 6 daughters, two of which are shown above Meritaten & Meketaten.  Meritaten (Scota) went to Eire Ireland after the exodus from Egypt?  What did she take with her & why?  Who was the Tara Prince?

Creator consciousness created a physical experience through the use of the language of light, a language of sacred and divine proportions, geometry, number and ratios.  Using the word, the sound, created a fractal, holographic Universe, the atom and a solar system,  know the smallest part and you know the entire creation as above so below, as within so without, the Universe within.  The 26,000 year long cycle of precession is that in which the soul experiences the physical 3rd dimension on Earth, throughout this time the soul must remember its Divine Blueprint, to ascend above its creation, to unite physical and spiritual, heart and mind, conscious and sub -conscious.  Our sub-conscious is our creator conscious, the part of us that still knows it’s the Creator, it holds all the records and the memories of everything that has ever happened, it is the Akashic Records, it is Tir naNog and the Halls of Amenti.

The symbol of the Masters of Wisdom, the Blueprint for Creation, is the Flower of Life, found in one of the most ancient sites in Egypt, the Osirion Temple in Abydos and somehow “placed” on solid granite columns, its existence and the existence of the temple itself is living witness to the highly advanced knowledge of our ancient ancestors.  Encoded in the Flower of Life Symbol is the Seed of Life, the Egg of Life, the Fruit of Life, the Tree of Life and the Key of Life, containing all the sacred knowledge used to construct the mega structures of the ancient world, the sacred proportions held in the highest secrecy by the greatest minds.  Everything in the physical manifest Universe evolves and grows in accordance with these sacred proportions.  This symbol is the Key to the star gate portal, descended from the stars and encoded in the Great Pyramid of Giza Egypt, it is the Book of Coming Forth by Light, the map to the way Home.


Luxor Temple-the Temple of Perfected Human.  Sacred Geometry, Numbers, Golden Ratios & Proportions encoded in this Temple, also known as the Ascension Temple of Osiris

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